Man Charged after Rushing to Victim's Aid

Concerned Father Charged After Rushing to Accident Victim's Aid
Brunswick Sun News - 10/14/2010
A 43-year-old Regal Avenue man was arrested at 2:50 p.m. Oct. 2 for interfering at the scene of an accident and resisting arrest.
According to reports, the man arrived on the scene of a multiple car crash in which motorists suffered injuries, and pushed through police and fire personnel to reach his son — a passenger in one of the vehicles.
The man allegedly injured two police officers in the struggle and was Tasered by officers.
The man later apologized for his actions, reports said. Reports did not indicate the condition of any of the injured drivers or passengers.
This article highlights the human emotion factor when we're around someone that we know who is injured. We want to "rush in". However, proper judgement tells us something different and we must take a minute prior to seeing anyone injured to stop and think prior to acting.
If you're first on the scene of an accident, whether on the road or on the job, you must stop and survey the area to ensure it is safe for you to responds. This primary check is critical to ensure that there aren't additional victims. Check the surrounding environment to ensure that the cause of the first injury (electrical current, fumes, toxic gas or chemicals) won't impact you as you try to assist. If they are still present . . . no matter how hard it will be, you can't help until they are dealt with properly else you will place yourself at risk of being another victim.
Additionally, if emergency services have already responded, let them do their job. They are the trained professionals and need the space and concentration to assess and deal with the situation. A crowd surrounding the area won't help. If you want to help, help control others in the area. Ensure they are back from the area and give them plenty of room. The best way to help the victim is to let the professionals do their job without interuption or distraction.