Safe Work Habits

In most everything we do, we find a way to make the process go easier and faster. These processes we develop become work habits and are used not only at work but in our everyday activities as well.
Some say it takes 21 days of continual monitoring and reminding yourself to develop a habit. Some of us have very good habits, some of us could use a little work. Let's look at a few tasks:
- Do you fasten your seatbelt every time you enter an automobile?
- Do you put in your hearing protection as you enter the production floor?
- Do you confirm the power is truly disconnected after you lockout a machine?
- Do you scrape the frost off your entire windshield prior to getting in the car on cold mornings?
- Do you wear safety glasses and long pants when you use your weed wacker?
- Do you turn your head and check your blind spot prior to switching lanes?
- Do you make eye contact with the forklift drivers before walking near them?
- Do you utilize the handrail when going up or down stairs?
- Do you stop and look both ways before walking out into an aisle?
These are just a few habits that safety conscious employees do each and every time they do the task. How about you?